Freda Warrington
Author of A Taste of Blood Wine, Grail of the Summer
Stars, Elfland, The Court of the Midnight King, Dracula the Undead, A
Blackbird in Silver Darkness... and many more fantasy novels and stories.
buy my books - follow these links
Links lead to search results where you can buy or preorder my novels and read reviews.
Although many of my older titles are unfortunately out of print,
you can still generally find new or used copies online. For further
information, please email me - you'll need to copy the add below and
remove the spaces - and I'll do what I can to help. I have spare copies
of some books left, but not of others. I hope to reissue everything on
ebook eventually, but this will take a while!
included a selection of book sites, not just Amazon. Other booksellers
are available! You know how to google... and if you find any great
sites I ought to add, just let me know.
Email me:
Fredawarrington.author @ gmail.com |