Freda Warrington
Author of A Taste of Blood Wine, Grail of the Summer
Stars, Elfland, The Court of the Midnight King, Dracula the Undead, A
Blackbird in Silver Darkness... and many more fantasy novels and short stories.
My Links Page...
Please find below a partly but not entirely random bunch of links... This is far from complete but I'll keep working on it.
a link within my website to extra pages - just one page so far - of my
personal stuff: places, events, hobbies eg. my jewellery-making. I'll
add to this as and when I have time.
links to
external sites of interest eg. forums, my agent, book review
sites, blogs and
so on. You'll find publishers under the Bookseller Links above. The
Write Fantastic is a collective of UK authors who organise events to
promote fantasy fiction.
Third, links to other author pages. If you would like to swap
links, please let me know and I'll be happy to do
so (as long as your site is, ahem, appropriate!)
My email add is
below. To cut down on spam, the link isn't live, so you'll need to
copy it and remove the spaces. Thank you!
Email me:
Fredawarrington.author @ gmail.com |